Once your pointer arrow is next to it, hit SET. You also have the option to save a workout configuration for future use so that you don’t have to go through the process of setting up each interval again. This is what your Gymboss will look like in progress: When you’re ready to start your workout, hit START. When you’re finished, your screen will look like this: You’ll then be prompted to select alarm type and duration of alarm, as outlined at the beginning of the post. For this particular example, you’d use the arrows to bring the number to 3 and then hit SET. It will then ask you how many rounds of the above routine you want to complete. The timer will prompt you to enter in another interval, just leave it at 00:00 and press SET so that it knows you’re done. 0:10 xP – 10-second rest intervals alternating with the previous interval (push the down arrow from 0 to get the P option when entering in number of rounds).0:20 x8 – 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work.Keeping that in mind, you enter the following: Just like I outlined anove with the regular Gymboss, you use the SET button as an “enter” and the arrow buttons to adjust the time. When entering this into the Gymboss miniMax, we think of it as 4 intervals: 5 mins, 20 secs, 10 sec, 5 mins.

Use the up and down arrows to adjust to the desired number of rounds. The number of rounds will start blinking (number in bottom left corner). If you don’t want a rest period (for example, just want the timer to beep every minute), bring this number down to zero. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the number to your desired length of rest. The rest interval will start blinking (bottom number on the right). Use the up and down arrows to adjust the number to your desired length of time. The work interval will start blinking (top number on the right). I’m going to focus on the interval timer mode. To change modes, hold both the up and down arrows at the same time. There are three modes: clock, stopwatch and interval timer.
For those of you with a Gymboss or wanting to buy one, here’s a basic set-up guide: How to Use a Gymboss Interval Timer
There are free smartphone apps that work great for interval timing as well, I just personally love the Gymboss-and it comes in especially handy when I’m teaching group fitness classes (students don’t want to see you walking around the studio with your iPhone).

I got a reader request for a tutorial on how to use a Gymboss Interval Timer and thought now would be a perfect time to post it because Gymboss recently sent me their new miniMAX to try out (I’ve included a guide to both models in this post).Īs a heads up, all the Gymboss links in this post are affiliate links (if you go to Gymboss from P&I and buy a timer, I get a small commission), but I’m by no means trying to be a salesman here.